Possession (2002 film)

Possession is a 2002 AmericanBritish romanticmystery drama film written and directed by Neil LaBute, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Aaron Eckhart. It was based on the 1990 novel of the same name by British author A. S. Byatt, who won the Booker Prize for it the year it was published.

Three early drafts of the films screenplay were written by American playwright David Henry Hwang in the 1990s, but the project languished in preproduction for years. Directors such as Sydney Pollack and Gillian Armstrong worked on the film and eventually gave up before LaBute became director. LaBute made drastic changes to the story, based partially on notes that original author Byatt had made on earlier drafts of the screenplay, as she recognized that Roland Mitchell had to exist on screen in a different way than he did in the book.What she basically said was, This is Roland on the page you must make him different in a film She got that Roland needed more drive. Just seeing those notes kind of gave me the keys to the kingdom. And so in the film, Roland keeps making these wild, imaginative leaps about the poets lives, and Mauds both charmed and appalled. ........

Source: Wikipedia